Tuesday, July 31, 2012

War on women?

The Republicans are being accused of waging a war on women by limiting access to birth control, abortion care and cancer screenings.

As far as birth control is concerned, this is not just the responsibility of the woman, it is also the responsibility of men. I don’t care how poor you are, anyone can afford condoms. Why should the taxpayer have to fund Planned Parenthood when birth control is so readily available to anyone that chooses to use it?

Why should the taxpayer have to fund abortions? Many couples can’t have children of their own and would love to adopt a baby but the waiting list can be years long. Many of those couples would adopt more than one child if the opportunity was available.

I’ve heard all the arguments for abortion. What about rape/incest? I can understand if a woman truly can’t stand the thought of carrying a child to full term in those circumstances but is it really the child that needs killing in these instances? And understand that abortions because of rape/incest account for less than 5% of all abortions done in this country. I’ve heard the argument that the unborn child doesn’t constitute life yet. If it isn’t life, then how is it growing and developing? If it isn’t human then a DNA test would prove this beyond any doubt. I’ve heard the argument that it isn’t human life until it is viable outside the womb. If it isn’t human life then it doesn’t have human DNA right?

All of these things are nothing more than excuses to kill the most innocent humans of all, the unborn child and in 95% of all abortion cases it is nothing more than a form of birth control. I know, I know, it’s all about choice right? I agree, but not in the manner you think I do. Choices are made that lead to pregnancy, including the choice to have unprotected sex. Why is it that the taxpayer must pay for other people’s poor choices? If pregnancy isn’t wanted then having unprotected sex is certainly an irresponsible and poor choice.

We can put aside all the moral issues and look at our national budget. We absolutely must make cuts to our deficit spending. If we don’t, we face potentially catastrophic economic consequences when we default on our debt. To many politicians don't want to make the tough choices on budget cuts, and the cuts don’t go nearly far enough. Planned Parenthood is just one of a number of things we can cut from our budget and it doesn't mean anyone is waging war on women if we do.

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